A Girl in the Rain ☔️

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Who is this Girl?

Wet, drenched, looking up in the sky, spreading her arms, facing her palms towards the sky, soaking the rainwater in her palms. There is a beautiful smile on her lips, her eyes are closed, but she’s experiencing the entire universe in this very moment.

This girl is you, me, a daughter, a friend, a sister, a mother, a wife, or a stranger. This is every girl who is not afraid of being alone. Her surroundings don’t dictate her. She carries herself beautifully wherever she goes. With high heels, a girl doesn’t only carry her body but also carries her emotions, feelings, sentiments, relationships, love, friendship, and her warmth. She is soft from inside and out.

Her softness is in her soul.
Her softness is in her body.

Strength in Softness

It’s her softness, flexibility, and elasticity in her body that help her bring life into this world through the vagina. It’s her soft and gentle touch that helps her nourish a child. It’s her soft nature and flexibility within the family that allows her to adjust in any situation. It’s her flexibility that allows her to manage her time with kids, the household, study, and work.

She has so much to give, so much to love, so much to adore.

Moments of Self-Care

When she gets her personal space, she pampers herself with a new dish, some home design, a walk, shopping, reading, or simply a cup of tea. She has her own bucket of love. She takes as much love as she wants from this bucket. It has no end. That is the reason she is so tender, so soft when it comes to unconditional love.

She is just so perfect in her own style.

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