Love is that thing that makes you feel light as a feather, whether it’s in your past or present. The more you ponder love, the stronger your belief in it grows. The more you question it, the more it shines It’s a beautiful feeling that makes life worth living
Radha-Krishna is the perfect example of true love. They loved each other even when apart, for they understood that love is unity in duality. It’s all about being one soul in two bodies.
Love is more than attachment or detachment. Who would you attach or detach from when two souls are aligned? It’s as if they have become one. Love is meant to give, only to give, and that’s how it stays fragrant forever. Giving unconditionally is the key to true love, and when you feel it, it’s like talking to your own heart. Don’t be afraid to love someone for years. The fragrance of that kind of love lasts a lifetime.
Do you ever think about how powerful love can be? It’s amazing how it lasts for years and decades. Despite life’s ups and downs, memories filled with love remain unchanged.
Feelings and emotions change daily. However, memories filled with love don’t fade away.
We all have our own sources of motivation, whether it’s overcoming pain, improving finances, cultivating relationships, or improving our health. But at the end of the day, love truly drives us forward. It’s the universal motivator that fuels us all. Pain encourages us to seek peace. Peace is another form of love. Ultimately love brings us contentment. Someone is motivated by finance and career because they provide a decent lifestyle, a sense of fulfillment that again falls into self-sufficiency, and a decent form of love. Relationship encourages someone to be wiser, in short having a compassionate heart for each other, again a form of love. Health motivates people to live longer. They recognize the value of their existence on this planet, which entails loving the existence in which they live.
We may put motivation in different sections, yet love is the source.
Imagine when love motivates love. It’s incredibly potent. That’s the power of Radha-Krishna love– it’s so pure, words and presence aren’t required. Existence is enough to feel it. Even when they’re gone, their love remains in the air forever.
That’s why Love is eternal.
Seneca wrote, “Love in its essence is spiritual fire.” I completely agree!
So just keep love close to your heart and jump into the puddle of your thoughts so that you can lead your life with much love and affection. It’s the only and most powerful motivator in the universe!
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