Every human being is born CREATIVE (Creativity is in our blood)

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 Let’s start this article with a beautiful quote on “creativity” given by Edward De Bono, “There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.”  

Creativity has been embedded in the fabric of life since the dawn of time. If you take a gander into the annals of history, you’ll quickly discover that inventors of all sorts – authors, artists, singers, dancers, movie-makers, orators, businesspeople, even employees – have consistently come up with fresh and revolutionary ideas.

No surprise that each person, whether they are designing something novel or consuming a new invention, wants something different. Both the distributors and purchasers of that creative work look for something fascinating next. All of us desire something novel.

You don’t have to be in a creative sector to appreciate creativity. Don’t forget that creativity is crucial in all areas of life, not just the creative domains. For example, if a person spends a long time with their present company and their work has become mundane, they may decide to transition to a completely different setting or career, or even find new ways to keep the same job exciting. It’s the same for everyday life, whether if it’s about forming relationships, enhancing your home interior, or anything in between. Creativity is everywhere, so why not let your creativity flow and give yourself a chance to experience something new!

Let’s take a few more examples. If you’re really into fitness, at some point you’ll want to try out some new combinations or your own moves. If you’re an avid runner, you might discover a new route to keep it interesting. Professional chefs often strive to come up with new recipes and unique flavours. Musicians want to try their hand at creating something musically different from what’s already out there. If you’re a taxi driver, you might bring something new to the car interior and come up with new ways to draw in potential customers. The same holds true for folks such as singers, writers and entrepreneurs – we all crave to create something unique. 

There is no denying the fact that technology has been evolving with creativity since ages. That way, we can understand why aircraft, smartphones and e-books have come to replace things like buses, corded phones and physical books throughout the years. 

No one knows how many amazing new creations the future holds, but it’s certainly exhilarating to think about. It inspires us to reach inside ourselves and find our own potential to dream up something unique and special.

Don’t limit your vision when a weird idea come to your mind. Pay attention to every single silly idea you get. I read somewhere, “Ideas float around and they want people to make them real. Those who pay attention to them, they bless them with abundant opportunities. Those who ignore them, they leave them and go to someone else who can make them real.” Such a powerful conviction about ideas. Isn’t it?

So, keep reading, keep gaining new insights, keep exploring new ideas and thoughts. Keep discovering yourself. Be a good creator of your life. Believe, we are all unique talents born to create something new that no other person can do much better on our behalf!

Salute to abundant talent and creativity around the world! 

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2 thoughts on “Every human being is born CREATIVE (Creativity is in our blood)”

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