A Mother’s Instinct: Nurturing, Protecting, and Guiding

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A Motherhood Flow

Motherhood is a beautiful instinct. When you are a mother, you don’t force yourself to be someone. Whatever you do, you do it in flow. Motherhood is something that comes all naturally. A mother is a strong boundary around her kids.

Take any century, any decade, a mother-child relationship is the only relationship where a mother has always raised her hands to give only, to nurture, to shower blessings. Where a mother is soft and tender, she is also strong and protective.

Deeply Entwined: A Mother and a Child

Often, noticing changes in the generations, shifting from postmodernism to modernism, where a mother is not just a mother, but a woman whose responsibilities have widened from raising kids and monitoring their emotional wellbeing to fulfilling their financial as well as social needs. Considering this point, mothers can get overwhelmed thinking their contribution is more in the family than their male counterparts. And it does happen when things go exaggerated. We can say fathers should contribute equally. In today’s modern world, at some point indeed, in most cases, fathers, no doubt, must be fulfilling their roles as much as they can.

The point is not who contributes more to raising kids. The point is what is really good for kids. As I said earlier, mothers have that natural instinct. Considering a child’s overall personality growth covering their mental, emotional, social, and cultural growth, which helps a child develop and explore who they are, a mother should weigh raising kids’ responsibility more than anything in life. It doesn’t mean that they should overlook their own well-being, compromising on things such as career and job. It’s all about doing everything, but when you know your child needs you, know how deeply you can understand your little ones, no one can. It’s called mother instinct. Kids need that.

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