Life Beyond the Limited Span of Time

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Human lifespan averages around 100 years, or one century if one is fortunate enough. Life is so unpredictable; no one knows how long someone is going to live. The point is, if someone is lucky enough, the maximum number of years they have on this planet, Earth, is 100 years. This means one has:

  • 100 years = 36,525 days (including leap years)
  • 36,525 days = 876,600 hours
  • 876,600 hours = 52,596,000 minutes
  • 52,596,000 minutes = 3,155,760,000 seconds

Legacy Beyond Time

These many years, days, hours, minutes, and even seconds define our lifespan. Only within this given lifespan have some people achieved so much that their accomplishments have transcended these time limits. For example, freedom fighters from various countries, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, George Washington, and Martin Luther King Jr., are still remembered today. Similarly, philosophers from different centuries, including Swami Vivekananda, Adi Shankaracharya, Chanakya (Kautilya), Rabindranath Tagore, Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Karl Marx, and Rumi, continue to have their insights read and followed.

Additionally, great scientists such as Dr. Vikram Sarabhai (Founder of the Indian Space Research Organisation, ISRO), Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (Aerospace Engineer, also President of India), Edwin Hubble (Astronomer, known for Hubble’s Law), Yuri Gagarin (First Human in Space), and Sir Isaac Newton (known for his Laws of Motion and Universal Gravitation) have significantly contributed to our understanding of the universe’s structure. Other scientists in various fields, such as Albert Einstein (Theoretical Physics), Thomas Edison (Inventor and Engineer), Neil Armstrong (Astronaut, the first person on the moon), and many more, have left their names in the history of remarkable discoveries.”

Embrace Life’s True Calling

Life is not just about coming into this world, doing bits and pieces of work, and then passing away. I understand that life can become so complicated at times that we often overlook the meaning of our existence on this planet. Haven’t we heard so many stories of individuals who had reputable government jobs but chose to become teachers instead? One such example is Dr. Vikas Divyakirti Sir; that was his true calling. Imagine if he had continued in his government service – many students might have missed out on his profound insights if he hadn’t chosen to be a teacher.

Similarly, think about the great Indian comedian, Kapil Sharma. If he had pursued a career other than a comedian, we might have missed out on his incredible sense of humor and one of the greatest platforms for laughter. And what if the young Indian entrepreneur and motivational speaker, Sir Sandeep Maheswari, had only focused on his business? We might have missed out on one of the greatest sources of inspiration today.

Consider the renowned best-selling author, Jay Shetty. If he had merely continued his journey as a monk without sharing his experiences through books, we would have missed out on some valuable life lessons. And if the great Indian cricketer, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, had succumbed to family pressure or financial difficulties and continued to work in the railway sector, India might have missed out on one of its finest cricketers and the 2011 Cricket World Cup victory.

The list of people brimming with wisdom is endless. Thanks to these individuals who have set great examples for others.

Take Accountability for Today and Tomorrow

One must not limit their roles. Some people have no idea that by confining themselves to a specific role, they are not only doing a disservice to themselves but also depriving others of the opportunity to learn from them. 

We are all unique sets of talents, born with a purpose for sure. The need for service can vary at different times. For example, during the time before India’s independence, the need for leaders was different than it is today. If they hadn’t done what they were meant to do, we might not be sitting here today. Similarly, if we don’t do what we are meant to do today, we might leave the future in uncertainty.

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