Is dissatisfaction good or bad?

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Nobody is ever exempt from this feeling we know as dissatisfaction. Everyone has endured dissatisfaction at some point in life. Life can never be a straight path, with its various twists, turns, highs and lows. 

Feeling dissatisfied can be one of those bumps that life throws our way. It’s not something that we expect or can necessarily be prepared for. It’s an emotion that can hit us quickly and powerfully.

It seems like dissatisfaction is all around us — in our careers, our relationships, our hobbies, and even when we’re looking for something new.

99% of the population is in the workforce, largely out of necessity, without loving the actual labor they do. Over time, enthusiasm for life begins to diminish and a sense of dissatisfaction can set in. People look to switch things up, unaware that it might be themselves, not their environment, that needs to be changed, in order to get that satisfaction they’re after.

Initially, what they have to comprehend is that this dissatisfaction is a positive sign. It’s a sign of their heart telling them that it’s time to move on and do something where they can appreciate themselves more. We only get one life. If not in this life, then when? Instead of feeling weighed down by a job we don’t like, why not look for something that is more suited to our interests and personality? For instance, if someone has an outgoing, sociable personality, yet spends most of their time in front of a computer doing taxes, it’s like they’re cheating themselves and their life. To stay true to themselves, it’s important to make some time for activities that bring out the essence of their colorful personality–whether that means leaving their job for a day or two to be more social, or at least fitting in activities that make them feel alive.

When it comes to relationships, have you ever realized that it’s not until we receive all the love, care, and support that we become aware of our need to feel fulfilled? As soon as we start to sense that our partner isn’t spending enough time with us or is not quite as romantic as they used to be, we can keenly feel the void of love. We desire a companion to chat with; somebody with whom we can share our emotions, thoughts and feelings. Here, what we forget to realise that we don’t feel neglected due to the absence of our partner, instead we feel unsatisfied because we tend to overlook the love that is already inside us. That’s right – Studies suggest that no one can listen to us or love us better than we do to ourself. On occasions when you feel the sense of deep love, grab a pen and paper, and be creative! Sketch characters and jot down your feelings. Allow yourself to adore those inner sentiments. That dissatisfaction you’re feeling is special, as it’s opening the door for you to relish the love inside of you. Everyone has so much love inside them that they don’t need anyone else to provide it! When we let our individual love out into the world, that’s when real change happens. 

Often, either in business or as individuals, we can become dissatisfied when we find ourselves stuck in a rut. We need to kindle the spark of enthusiasm, to take that first step and start anew. When this feeling of dissatisfaction rears its head, it can actually be seen as a sign that you’re willing to progress and evolve in life. These feelings are excellent, as they will lead you to greater heights. This dissatisfaction is a wonderful thing. This dissatisfaction is a sign that you’re pushing yourself to level up and head in a positive direction!

If you’re feeling dissatisfied, think about the source of your dissatisfaction. Listen to your feeling of dissatisfaction closely– listen to what it’s telling you. Don’t ignore it, instead take the time to evaluate your feelings, and figure out where this dissatisfaction is coming from. Make sure that you give yourself space to be by yourself and really process your dissatisfied emotions. Ask yourself probing questions, try to uncover the source, and prepare yourself for change.

According to what is being communicated by Martha Graham, “No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a strange, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.”

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2 thoughts on “Is dissatisfaction good or bad?”

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